
UnitNumberUtility class

Namespace: Sirenix.Utilities.Editor
Assembly: Sirenix.Utilities.Editor
public static class UnitNumberUtility
Tools for converting between units, for example, converting from inches to meters.
  • System.Object
  • UnitNumberUtility


AddCustomUnit(String, String[], UnitCategory, Decimal)
Adds a custom unit to the UnitNumberUtility, that can also be used with the . Call this using InitializeOnLoad or InitializeOnLoadMethod.
public static void AddCustomUnit(string name, string[] symbols, UnitCategory unitCategory, decimal multiplier)
System.String name

The name of the unit. Duplicate names are not allowed.

System.String[] symbols

Symbols used for the unit. First value in the array will be used as the primary symbol. Atleast 1 value required. Duplicate symbols are not allowed within the same category.

UnitCategory unitCategory

The category of the unit. Units can only be converted to another of the same category. Custom categories are allowed.

System.Decimal multiplier

The multiplier to convert the unit from the base value. For example, meters are the base unit of the distance category, therefore centimeters have a multipler of 100.

AddCustomUnit(String, String[], UnitCategory, Func<Decimal, Decimal>, Func<Decimal, Decimal>)
Adds a custom unit to the UnitNumberUtility, that can also be used with the . This overload allows for custom conversion methods but, if possible, the multiplier overloads should be prefered. Call this using InitializeOnLoad or InitializeOnLoadMethod.
public static void AddCustomUnit(string name, string[] symbols, UnitCategory unitCategory, Func<decimal, decimal> convertToBase, Func<decimal, decimal> convertFromBase)
System.String name

The name of the unit. Duplicate names are not allowed.

System.String[] symbols

Symbols used for the unit. First value in the array will be used as the primary symbol. Atleast 1 value required. Duplicate symbols are not allowed within the same category.

UnitCategory unitCategory

The category of the unit. Units can only be converted to another of the same category. Custom categories are allowed.

System.Func<System.Decimal, System.Decimal> convertToBase

Method for converting a given value of the custom unit to the base unit. For example, for centimeter, use: x => x / 100m;.

System.Func<System.Decimal, System.Decimal> convertFromBase

Method for converting a given value of the base unit to the custom unit. For example, for centimeter, use: x => x * 100m;.

AddCustomUnit(String, String[], String, Decimal)
Adds a custom unit to the UnitNumberUtility, that can also be used with the . Call this using InitializeOnLoad or InitializeOnLoadMethod.
public static void AddCustomUnit(string name, string[] symbols, string unitCategory, decimal multiplier)
System.String name

The name of the unit. Duplicate names are not allowed.

System.String[] symbols

Symbols used for the unit. First value in the array will be used as the primary symbol. Atleast 1 value required. Duplicate symbols are not allowed within the same category.

System.String unitCategory

The category of the unit. Units can only be converted to another of the same category. Custom categories are allowed.

System.Decimal multiplier

The multiplier to convert the unit from the base value. For example, meters are the base unit of the distance category, therefore centimeters have a multipler of 100.

AddCustomUnit(String, String[], String, Func<Decimal, Decimal>, Func<Decimal, Decimal>)
Adds a custom unit to the UnitNumberUtility, that can also be used with the . This overload allows for custom conversion methods but, if possible, the multiplier overloads should be prefered. Call this using InitializeOnLoad or InitializeOnLoadMethod.
public static void AddCustomUnit(string name, string[] symbols, string unitCategory, Func<decimal, decimal> convertToBase, Func<decimal, decimal> convertFromBase)
System.String name

The name of the unit. Duplicate names are not allowed.

System.String[] symbols

Symbols used for the unit. First value in the array will be used as the primary symbol. Atleast 1 value required. Duplicate symbols are not allowed within the same category.

System.String unitCategory

The category of the unit. Units can only be converted to another of the same category. Custom categories are allowed.

System.Func<System.Decimal, System.Decimal> convertToBase

Method for converting a given value of the custom unit to the base unit. For example, for centimeter, use: x => x / 100m;.

System.Func<System.Decimal, System.Decimal> convertFromBase

Method for converting a given value of the base unit to the custom unit. For example, for centimeter, use: x => x * 100m;.

CanConvertBetween(Units, Units)
Indicates whether or not a value can be converted between the given a and b units.
public static bool CanConvertBetween(Units a, Units b)
Units a

Unit a.

Units b

Unit b.


true if both units have the same category. Otherwise false.

CanConvertBetween(UnitInfo, UnitInfo)
Indicates whether or not a value can be converted between the given a and b units.
public static bool CanConvertBetween(UnitInfo a, UnitInfo b)
UnitInfo a

Unit a.

UnitInfo b

Unit b.


true if both units have the same category. Otherwise false.

ConvertUnitFromTo(Decimal, Units, Units)
Converts between two units. The units must be of the same category.
public static decimal ConvertUnitFromTo(decimal value, Units from, Units to)
System.Decimal value

The value to convert. Should be in the from units.

Units from

The unit to convert the value from. value should be in this unit.

Units to

To unit to convert the value to. Must be the same category as from.


The value converted to to units.


Throws when either 'from' or 'to' units are invalid, or when the units are of different categories.

ConvertUnitFromTo(Decimal, UnitInfo, UnitInfo)
Converts between two units. The units must be of the same category.
public static decimal ConvertUnitFromTo(decimal value, UnitInfo fromUnitInfo, UnitInfo toUnitInfo)
System.Decimal value

The value to convert. Should be in the fromUnitInfo units.

UnitInfo fromUnitInfo

The unit to convert the value from. value should be in this unit.

UnitInfo toUnitInfo

To unit to convert the value to. Must be the same category as fromUnitInfo.


The value converted to toUnitInfo units.


Throws when either 'fromUnitInfo' or 'toUnitInfo' units are invalid, or when the units are of different categories.

ConvertUnitFromToWithError(Decimal, UnitInfo, UnitInfo, out String)
public static decimal ConvertUnitFromToWithError(decimal value, UnitInfo fromUnitInfo, UnitInfo toUnitInfo, out string error)
System.Decimal value

UnitInfo fromUnitInfo

UnitInfo toUnitInfo

System.String error


Gets all UnitInfo registered, both built-in and custom.
public static IEnumerable<UnitInfo> GetAllUnitInfos()

Enumerable of both built-in and custom units.

Gets the UnitInfo for the given Units enum value.
public static UnitInfo GetUnitInfo(Units unit)
Units unit

Units enum value.


UnitInfo for the unit.


Throws for invalid unit input.

Gets the UnitInfo with the corrosponding name.
public static UnitInfo GetUnitInfoByName(string unitName)
System.String unitName

The name of the unit.


UnitInfo for the name.


Throws when no unit with the given name is found.

MatchUnitInfoBySymbol(String, String)
Finds the UnitInfo that best fits the given symbol within the given category.
public static UnitInfo MatchUnitInfoBySymbol(string symbol, string unitCategory)
System.String symbol

The symbol to find a unit for.

System.String unitCategory

The category to look for units within.


The UnitInfo that best matches the given symbol.


Throws when no match was found.

TryConvertUnitFromTo(Decimal, Units, Units, out Decimal)
Converts between two units. The units must be of the same category.
public static bool TryConvertUnitFromTo(decimal value, Units from, Units to, out decimal converted)
System.Decimal value

The value to convert. Should be in the from units.

Units from

The unit to convert the value from. value should be in this unit.

Units to

To unit to convert the value to. Must be the same category as from.

System.Decimal converted

The value converted to to units.


true when the unit was successfully converted. Otherwise false.

TryConvertUnitFromTo(Decimal, UnitInfo, UnitInfo, out Decimal)
Converts between two units. The units must be of the same category.
public static bool TryConvertUnitFromTo(decimal value, UnitInfo fromUnitInfo, UnitInfo toUnitInfo, out decimal converted)
System.Decimal value

The value to convert. Should be in the fromUnitInfo units.

UnitInfo fromUnitInfo

The unit to convert the value from. value should be in this unit.

UnitInfo toUnitInfo

To unit to convert the value to. Must be the same category as fromUnitInfo.

System.Decimal converted

The value converted to toUnitInfo units.


true when the unit was successfully converted. Otherwise false.


Throws if either fromUnitInfo or toUnitInfo is null.

TryGetUnitInfo(Units, out UnitInfo)
Gets the UnitInfo for the given Units enum value.
public static bool TryGetUnitInfo(Units unit, out UnitInfo unitInfo)
Units unit

Units enum value.

UnitInfo unitInfo

The UnitInfo matching the given unit value.


true when a UnitInfo was found. Otherwise false.

TryGetUnitInfoByName(String, out UnitInfo)
Gets the UnitInfo with the given name.
public static bool TryGetUnitInfoByName(string unitName, out UnitInfo unitInfo)
System.String unitName

The name of the unit.

UnitInfo unitInfo

The UnitInfo matching the given name.


true when a UnitInfo was found. Otherwise false.

TryMatchUnitInfoBySymbol(String, String, out UnitInfo)
Finds the UnitInfo that best fits the given symbol within the given category.
public static bool TryMatchUnitInfoBySymbol(string symbol, string unitCategory, out UnitInfo unitInfo)
System.String symbol

The symbol to find a unit for.

System.String unitCategory

The category to look for units within.

UnitInfo unitInfo

The UnitInfo that best matches the given symbol.


true when a UnitInfo was found. Otherwise false.