
Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.Drawers namespace


Animation curve property drawer.
Draws properties marked with AssetListAttribute. Displays a configurable list of assets, where each item can be enabled or disabled.
Common base implementation for progress bar attribute drawers.
Bool property drawer.
Draws all properties grouped together with the BoxGroupAttribute
Draws all properties grouped together with the ButtonGroupAttribute
Byte property drawer.
Char property drawer.
Property drawer for anything that has a Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.ICollectionResolver.
Color32 property drawer.
Color property drawer.
Draws Color properties marked with UnityEngine.ColorUsageAttribute.
Draws Color properties marked with UnityEngine.ColorUsageAttribute.
Drawer for composite properties.
Adds a generic menu option to properties marked with CustomContextMenuAttribute.
Decimal property drawer.
The default method drawer that draws most buttons.
Draws byte properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws char properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws decimal properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws double properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws float properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws short properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws int properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws long properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws sbyte properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws string properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws ushort properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws uint properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws ulong properties marked with UnityEngine.DelayedAttribute.
Draws decimal properties marked with DelayedPropertyAttribute.
Draws double properties marked with DelayedPropertyAttribute.
Draws string properties marked with DelayedPropertyAttribute.
Draws ushort properties marked with DelayedPropertyAttribute.
Delegate property drawer. This drawer is rather simplistic for now, and will receive significant upgrades in the future.
Property drawer for System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.
Draws properties marked with DisplayAsStringAttribute. Calls the properties ToString method to get the string to draw.
Double property drawer.
Base class to derive from for value drawers that merely wish to cause a value to be drawn by Unity.
Draws members marked with EnableGUIAttribute.
Enum property drawer.
Draws an enum in a horizontal button group instead of a dropdown.
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
Draws all properties grouped together with the FoldoutGroupAttribute
Gradient property drawer.
Draws properties marked with GUIColorAttribute. This drawer sets the current GUI color, before calling the next drawer in the chain.
Int property drawer.
The GUIStyleState Drawer
Draws properties marked with UnityEngine.HeaderAttribute.
Draws properties marked with HideLabelAttribute.
Draws properties marked with IndentAttribute.
Draws properties marked with InfoBoxAttribute. Draws an info box above the property. Error and warning info boxes can be tracked by Odin Scene Validator.
Static GUI information reguarding the InlineEditor attribute.
Short property drawer.
Int property drawer.
Long property drawer.
Draws properties marked with LabelTextAttribute. Creates a new GUIContent, with the provided label text, before calling further down in the drawer chain.
Draws properties marked with the LabelWidthAttribute.
LayerMask property drawer.
Draws Vector2 properties marked with MinMaxSliderAttribute.
Draws string properties marked with UnityEngine.MultilineAttribute. This drawer only works for string fields, unlike MultiLinePropertyAttributeDrawer.
Draws string properties marked with MultiLinePropertyAttribute. This drawer works for both string field and properties, unlike MultiLineAttributeDrawer.
Draws a warning message for non-serialized properties that sports both the SerializeField and the ShowInInspector attribute.
Property drawer for nullables.

When first learning to use the Odin Inspector, it is common for people to misunderstand the OdinSerialize attribute, and use it in places where it does not achive the deceired goal.

This drawer will display a warning message if the OdinSerialize attribute is potentially used in such cases.

Draws properties marked with OnInspectorGUIAttribute. Calls the method, the attribute is either attached to, or the method that has been specified in the attribute, to allow for custom GUI drawing.
Draws properties marked with PreviewFieldAttribute as a square ObjectField which renders a preview for UnityEngine.Object types. This object field also adds support for drag and drop, dragging an object to another square object field, swaps the values. If you hold down control while letting go it will replace the value, And you can control + click the object field to quickly delete the value it holds.
Evaluates all strings, enums and primitive types and ensures EditorGUI.showMixedValue is true if there are any value conflicts in the current selection.
Opens a context menu for any given property on right click. The context menu is populated by all relevant drawers that implements Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.IDefinesGenericMenuItems.
Draws byte properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws decimal properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws double properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws float properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws short properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws int properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws long properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws sbyte properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws ushort properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws uint properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws ulong properties marked with PropertyRangeAttribute.
Draws a space for properties marked with the PropertySpace attribute.
Quaternion property drawer.
Draws byte properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws decimal properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws double properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws float properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws short properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws int properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws long properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws sbyte properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws ushort properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws uint properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws ulong properties marked with UnityEngine.RangeAttribute.
Draws all reference type properties, which has already been drawn elsewhere. This drawer adds an additional foldout to prevent infinite draw depth.

When multiple objects are selected and inspected, this his drawer ensures UnityEditor.EditorGUI.showMixedValue gets set to true if there are any conflicts in the selection for any given property. Otherwise the next drawer is called.

This drawer also implements Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.IDefinesGenericMenuItems and provides a right-click context menu item for resolving conflicts if any.

Drawer for the ResponsiveButtonGroupAttribute.
SByte property drawer.
Show drawer chain attribute drawer.
Drawer for the ShowPropertyResolver attribute.
Float property drawer.
Draws properties marked with UnityEngine.SpaceAttribute.
String property drawer.
Draws properties marked with SuffixLabelAttribute.
Draws all properties grouped together with the TabGroupAttribute
The TableList attirbute drawer.
TextArea attribute drawer.
Draws properties marked with TitleAttribute.
Draws properties marked with TitleGroupAttribute.
Draws properties marked with ToggleAttribute.
Draws all properties grouped together with the ToggleGroupAttribute
Draws properties marked with ToggleLeftAttribute.
Draws properties marked with UnityEngine.TooltipAttribute.
Base class for two-dimensional array drawers.
Type property drawer
Draws properties marked with TypeFilterAttribute.
Ushort property drawer.
Uint property drawer.
Ulong property drawer.
Draws all Unity DecoratorDrawers within prepend attribute drawers within Odin.
Unity event drawer.
Unity object drawer.
Vector2 proprety drawer.
Vector2Int proprety drawer.
Draws Vector2Int properties marked with MinMaxSliderAttribute.
Vector3 property drawer.
Vector3Int property drawer.
Vector4 property drawer.