Namespace: | Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor |
Assembly: | Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor |
public struct DrawerPriority : IEquatable<DrawerPriority>, IComparable<DrawerPriority>
DrawerPriority is used in conjunction with DrawerPriorityAttribute to specify the priority of any given drawer. It consists of 3 components: Super, Wrapper, Value, where Super is the most significant component, and Standard is the least significant component.
public DrawerPriority(DrawerPriorityLevel priority)
DrawerPriorityLevel | priority | The priority. |
public DrawerPriority(double super = 0, double wrapper = 0, double value = 0)
System.Double | super | The super priority. Mostly used by drawers that wants to wrap the entire property but don't draw the actual property. These drawers typically don't draw the property itself, and calls CallNextDrawer. |
System.Double | wrapper | The wrapper priority. Mostly used by drawers used to decorate properties. |
System.Double | value | The value priority. Mostly used by OdinValueDrawer<T>s and OdinAttributeDrawer<TAttribute, TValue>s. |
public static readonly DrawerPriority AttributePriority
public static readonly DrawerPriority AutoPriority
public double Super
public static readonly DrawerPriority SuperPriority
public double Value
public static readonly DrawerPriority ValuePriority
public double Wrapper
public static readonly DrawerPriority WrapperPriority
public int CompareTo(DrawerPriority other)
DrawerPriority | other | The other. |
System.Int32 |
public bool Equals(DrawerPriority other)
DrawerPriority | other | The other. |
System.Boolean |
public override bool Equals(object obj)
System.Object | obj | The System.Object to compare with this instance. |
System.Boolean |
public override int GetHashCode()
System.Int32 | A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
public DrawerPriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel()
DrawerPriorityLevel |
public override string ToString()
System.String | A System.String that represents this instance. |
public string ToString(string format)
System.String | format | The format. |
System.String | A System.String that represents this instance. |
public static DrawerPriority operator +(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
DrawerPriority | The result of the operator. |
public static bool operator ==(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
System.Boolean | The result of the operator. |
public static bool operator>(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
System.Boolean | The result of the operator. |
public static bool operator >=(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
System.Boolean | The result of the operator. |
public static bool operator !=(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
System.Boolean | The result of the operator. |
public static bool operator <(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
System.Boolean | The result of the operator. |
public static bool operator <=(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
System.Boolean | The result of the operator. |
public static DrawerPriority operator -(DrawerPriority lhs, DrawerPriority rhs)
DrawerPriority | lhs | The LHS. |
DrawerPriority | rhs | The RHS. |
DrawerPriority | The result of the operator. |