Searchable Attribute

Adds a search filter that can search the children of the field or type on which it is applied. Note that this does not currently work when directly applied to dictionaries, though a search field "above" the dictionary will still search the dictionary's properties if it is searching recursively.

public List<Perk> Perks = new List<Perk>()
    new Perk()
        Name = "Old Sage",
        Effects = new List<Effect>()
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Wisdom, Value = 2, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Intelligence, Value = 1, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Strength, Value = -2 },
    new Perk()
        Name = "Hardened Criminal",
        Effects = new List<Effect>()
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Dexterity, Value = 2, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Strength, Value = 1, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Charisma, Value = -2 },
    new Perk()
        Name = "Born Leader",
        Effects = new List<Effect>()
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Charisma, Value = 2, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Intelligence, Value = -3 },
    new Perk()
        Name = "Village Idiot",
        Effects = new List<Effect>()
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Charisma, Value = 4, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Constitution, Value = 2, },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Intelligence, Value = -3 },
            new Effect() { Skill = Skill.Wisdom, Value = -3 },

public class Perk
    public string Name;

    public List<Effect> Effects;

public class Effect
    public Skill Skill;
    public float Value;

public enum Skill

public List<string> strings = new List<string>(Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => "Str Element " + i));

public List<ExampleStruct> searchableList = new List<ExampleStruct>(Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new ExampleStruct(i)));

public struct ExampleStruct
    public string Name;
    public int Number;
    public ExampleEnum Enum;

    public ExampleStruct(int nr) : this()
        this.Name = "Element " + nr;
        this.Number = nr;
        this.Enum = (ExampleEnum)ExampleHelper.RandomInt(0, 5);

public enum ExampleEnum
    One, Two, Three, Four, Five

public ExampleClass searchableClass = new ExampleClass();

public List<ExampleStruct> searchableList = new List<ExampleStruct>(Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new ExampleStruct(i)));

[Searchable(FilterOptions = SearchFilterOptions.ISearchFilterableInterface)]
public List<FilterableBySquareStruct> customFiltering = new List<FilterableBySquareStruct>(Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new FilterableBySquareStruct(i)));

public class ExampleClass
    public string SomeString = "Saehrimnir is a tasty delicacy";
    public int SomeInt = 13579;

    public DataContainer DataContainerOne = new DataContainer() { Name = "Example Data Set One" };
    public DataContainer DataContainerTwo = new DataContainer() { Name = "Example Data Set Two" };

[Serializable, Searchable] // You can also apply it on a type like this, and it will become searchable wherever it appears
public class DataContainer
    public string Name;
    public List<ExampleStruct> Data = new List<ExampleStruct>(Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new ExampleStruct(i)));

public struct FilterableBySquareStruct : ISearchFilterable
    public int Number;

    [ShowInInspector, DisplayAsString, EnableGUI]
    public int Square { get { return this.Number * this.Number; } }

    public FilterableBySquareStruct(int nr)
        this.Number = nr;

    public bool IsMatch(string searchString)
        return searchString.Contains(Square.ToString());

public struct ExampleStruct
    public string Name;
    public int Number;
    public ExampleEnum Enum;

    public ExampleStruct(int nr) : this()
        this.Name = "Element " + nr;
        this.Number = nr;

        this.Enum = (ExampleEnum)ExampleHelper.RandomInt(0, 5);

public enum ExampleEnum
    One, Two, Three, Four, Five