Display As String Attribute

DisplayAsString is used on any property, and displays a string in the inspector as text. Use this for when you want to show a string in the inspector, but not allow for any editing.

    "Instead of disabling values in the inspector in order to show some information or debug a value. " +
    "You can use DisplayAsString to show the value as text, instead of showing it in a disabled drawer")]
public Color SomeColor;

public string SomeText = "Lorem Ipsum";

[InfoBox("The DisplayAsString attribute can also be configured to enable or disable overflowing to multiple lines.")]
public string Overflow = "A very very very very very very very very very long string that has been configured to overflow.";

public string DisplayAllOfIt = "A very very very very very very very very long string that has been configured to not overflow.";

[InfoBox("Additionally, you can also configure the string's alignment, font size, and whether it should support rich text or not.")]
[DisplayAsString(false, 20, TextAlignment.Center, true)]
public string CustomFontSizeAlignmentAndRichText = "This string is <b><color=#FF5555><i>super</i> <size=24>big</size></color></b> and centered.";