// Display current time for reference.
[ShowInInspector, DisplayAsString, PropertyOrder(-1)]
public string CurrentTime
return DateTime.Now.ToString();
// OnInspectorInit executes the first time this string is about to be drawn in the inspector.
// It will execute again when the example is reselected.
[OnInspectorInit("@TimeWhenExampleWasOpened = DateTime.Now.ToString()")]
public string TimeWhenExampleWasOpened;
// OnInspectorInit will not execute before the property is actually "resolved" in the inspector.
// Remember, Odin's property system is lazily evaluated, and so a property does not actually exist
// and is not initialized before something is actually asking for it.
// Therefore, this OnInspectorInit attribute won't execute until the foldout is expanded.
[FoldoutGroup("Delayed Initialization", Expanded = false, HideWhenChildrenAreInvisible = false)]
[OnInspectorInit("@TimeFoldoutWasOpened = DateTime.Now.ToString()")]
public string TimeFoldoutWasOpened;