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UnityID - GUIDs for Unity

Authored by Krechevskoy
Shared 24-07-2024

GameObjects often need unique IDs which persist across scenes, compilation, and runtime sessions. This is particularly useful for saving/loading data and other forms of persistence.

Normally you would use System.Guid for these kinds of application, but Unity doesn't understand how to serialize them. This is a quick/clean fix for that particular problem.


Once in the inspector, you can right-click the ID to copy, clear, or regenerate it

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
  public UnityID id1;                 // Declare with no value
  public UnityID id3 = new Guid();    // Declare with a .NET GUID
  public UnityID id2 = UnityID.New(); // Declare with a random value


using System;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// A globally unique identifier (GUID) for Unity.
/// It is serializable and persists across scenes and runtime sessions.
/// </summary>
[Serializable, HideLabel, InlineProperty]
public struct UnityID : IEquatable<UnityID> {
  [ShowInInspector, LabelText("@$property.Parent.NiceName")]
  [CustomContextMenu("Generate GUID", nameof(GenerateGUID))]
  [CustomContextMenu("Clear GUID", nameof(ClearGUID))]
  public readonly string HexString => ToString();

  [SerializeField, HideInInspector]
  private uint Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4;

  public static UnityID Empty => new(0, 0, 0, 0);

  public readonly bool IsEmpty => this == Empty;

  public UnityID(uint part1, uint part2, uint part3, uint part4) {
    Part1 = part1;
    Part2 = part2;
    Part3 = part3;
    Part4 = part4;

  public UnityID(Guid guid) {
    byte[] bytes = guid.ToByteArray();
    Part1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
    Part2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 4);
    Part3 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 8);
    Part4 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 12);

  public override readonly string ToString() {
    return $"{Part1:X8}-{Part2:X8}-{Part3:X8}-{Part4:X8}";

  public static UnityID Parse(string hexString) {
    // Remove hyphens and convert to lowercase
    hexString = hexString.Replace("-", "").ToLower();

    if (hexString.Length != 32) return Empty;

    return new UnityID(
      Convert.ToUInt32(hexString[0..8], 16),
      Convert.ToUInt32(hexString[8..16], 16),
      Convert.ToUInt32(hexString[16..24], 16),
      Convert.ToUInt32(hexString[24..32], 16)

  public readonly Guid ToGuid() {
    byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
    BitConverter.GetBytes(Part1).CopyTo(bytes, 0);
    BitConverter.GetBytes(Part2).CopyTo(bytes, 4);
    BitConverter.GetBytes(Part3).CopyTo(bytes, 8);
    BitConverter.GetBytes(Part4).CopyTo(bytes, 12);
    return new Guid(bytes);

  public static UnityID New() => Guid.NewGuid();

  public static implicit operator UnityID(Guid guid) => new(guid);
  public static implicit operator Guid(UnityID unityId) => unityId.ToGuid();

  public static bool operator ==(UnityID left, UnityID right) => left.Equals(right);
  public static bool operator !=(UnityID left, UnityID right) => !left.Equals(right);

  public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) {
    return obj is UnityID unityId && Equals(unityId);

  public readonly bool Equals(UnityID other) {
    return Part1 == other.Part1
      && Part2 == other.Part2
      && Part3 == other.Part3
      && Part4 == other.Part4;

  public override readonly int GetHashCode() {
    return HashCode.Combine(Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4);

  private void ClearGUID() => this = Empty;
  private void GenerateGUID() => this = New();


This is an optional validator that can flag empty IDs.

using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.Validation;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;

[assembly: RegisterValidationRule(typeof(UnityIDValidator), Name = "Check UnityIDs")]
public class UnityIDValidator : ValueValidator<UnityID> {
  [EnumToggleButtons] public ValidatorSeverity Severity = ValidatorSeverity.Warning;

  protected override void Validate(ValidationResult result) {
    if (Value.IsEmpty) {
        .Add(Severity, "UnityID is empty. Are you sure this is correct?")
        .WithFix(() => Value = UnityID.New());