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Inline Partial - for keeping foldout menu while having immidiete fields without opening foldout

Authored by Prographers
Shared 28-02-2022

Allows for keeping foldout menu as default but also allows for more custom options of adding custom inline properties next to foldout group (I wonder why this is not a default behavior of InlinePropery)

Here is an example of how you could present a custom attribute.

Usage - expand horizontally

[InlinePartial] public class SomeScriptableObject { [HideLabel] [InlineProperty] public int SomeInt; [HideLabel] [InlineProperty] public int SomeInt2; }

Usage - expand vertically

[InlinePartial(true)] public class SomeScriptableObject { [HideLabel] [InlineProperty] [ShowInFoldoutEditorAttribute] // Show inline and in foldout public int SomeInt; [HideLabel] [InlineProperty] public int SomeInt2; }
