TabGroup attributes now default to wrapping tabs to multiple rows when needed.
Added TabLayouting setting to the HorizontalGroup attribute to control if tabs should wrap to multiple lines or shrink. TabGroup("MyTab", TabLayouting = TabLayouting.Shrink)]
Added Push and pop LabelWidthDefault to the HorizontalGroupAttributeDrawer.
Fixed an issues where the InlineEditor attribute would not always draw the preview.
Improved how horizontal groups handle margins.
The upgrader no longer attempts to fix a build error by relocating an assembly, as the issue has now been fixed by Unity.
Fixed case where the BaseMemberPropertyResolver would rethrow exceptions and override exception stack information when exceptions occurred inside GetPropertyInfos(). These exceptions are now logged with their full stack information from the original source.
Fixed case where viewing something drawn by Odin Inspector might cause countless new gameobjects to be spawned into the scene. This was caused by the project getting into an invalid state where, somehow, emitting of MonoBehaviour types breaks in a particular way; this breaking has not been fixed, but Odin now correctly handles the case and makes sure to clean its temporary emitted component host gameobjects up after itself regardless of errors during component emit and instantiation.
Fixed errors where Odin's Unity.Localization support module would fail to fix drawing of LocalizedAssets, as well as all other types derived from the LocalizedReference base type except LocalizedString. Now, the support module should make Odin correctly draw all types derived from LocalizedReference.
Fixed issue where OdinPropertyResolver.CalculateChildCount could throw an InvalidCastException when called on a resolver instance for a derived value of the target value type of a resolver that uses non-generic polymorphic type matching.
Made Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.Internal.OdinEditorWebUtility public.
Improved Odin's initial property resolve performance of basic Unity types Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Vector2Int, Vector3Int, Color and Quaternion by disabling the component emit property resolve pipeline for these types. This property resolution method is otherwise used for all Unity-serialized objects to detect which properties exactly are serialized/exposed by Unity on any give type. While it gives correct results for these types, it is not needed for them in particular as they obey common serialization patterns that the default pipeline will resolve correctly. As a bonus, this means that the ProcessChildMemberAttributes step of attribute processors will now execute for these types as they become part of the default property resolution system.
Odin Validator
Unity object types implementing ISelfValidator are no longer validated when they are simply members in another object's context; instead ISelfValidator on Unity object types only runs when the object itself is being scanned. This prevents the case where, if an object has validation issues generated via ISelfValidator, those issues would also appear everywhere that object is referenced in the entire project.
Fixed case where Odin Validator could cross asset serialization boundaries while scanning assets, if the PropertyTree for that asset includes properties that do so, such as in the case of a TableList for a list of ScriptableObjects. Odin Validator now checks that all properties scanned for an asset are actually serialized inside of that asset.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.11
Note: 3.1.11 is a beta release, and is not available on the Asset Store
Odin Inspector
New, safer techniques to replace reflection
We've introduced a new editor-only assembly to Odin called Sirenix.Reflection.Editor. It is no secret that Odin relies on reflection
for certain features to work. However, with this new assembly, we can avoid using reflection for a lot of tasks, without any performance
penalty, and even without using Emit, or creating delegates. This new assembly exists in a world where Unity's assemblies
and it are friends with each other (a forced friendship), allowing it to use Unity's internal and private functions as if they were public. This
change also enables us to do much more rigorous testing, as we now can now use Mono.Cecil internally to inspect and test this assembly
against all versions of Unity, without the code ever having to run.
This means that our internal CI automated testing can now notify us as soon as Unity makes changes to their internal APIs that we make use
of, and we can make any nessesary adjustments before it is discovered and reported by a user. And to top it all off, it has also
allowed us to inherit from a few internal classes related to Unity's IMGUI layouting, which has enabled us begin to fix a lot of layout
issues such as endlessly expanding layouts, layout jiggling, and so on, by implementing our own layouting logic instead of relying on Unity's
by now very old IMGUI layouting code. These changes and fixes will roll out over time; in this patch we've started by simply fixing the
HorizontalGroup attribute.
This feature is also why patch 3.1.11 is being released as a beta patch and not released on the Asset Store, as we intend to
ensure this new technique does not cause issues for any users. We do want to note that this is merely a decision we made to be on the
safe side; we don't expect any issues to arise.
TabGroup improvements
We've made a major overhaul to the TabGroup attribute, which now includes support for tab icons and colors, as well as fine-tuned the tab resizing
behavior when there's limited space. The new changes also lets you change the name of a tab, without changing the group ID of that tab.
Added new RequiredListLength attribute, which specifies that collection has a required length; a validation error will be
generated if the length is less or more than the specified length or length range.
Added new string resolution behaviour when strings are resolved to colors: hex colors (#FFFFFFFF), rgba(1, 1, 1, 1), rgb(1, 1, 1) and
an array of basic skin-adjusted color names (red, green, blue, etc) are now available anywhere you pass in a string to an attribute
that should specify a color. IE, you can now write [GUIColor("red")], and it will give you a nice red color that will look good in
the current skin.
General patch notes for Odin Inspector
Finally added examples and documentation text for Unity's TextArea attribute. (Yes, we heard you, dedicated docs page downvoter!) Also added MultilineAttribute to the list of Unity attributes as well in the attribute overview.
Added ListDrawerSettings.DefaultExpandedState, which sets the expanded state of the collection drawer each time it is initialized in the inspector.
Added ListDrawerSettings.ShowFoldout, which controls whether the collection drawer should draw a foldout. If this is set to false, the collection is always fully expanded.
Because the HorizontalGroup attribute now sets a default label width when no width is specified, we've introduced a new property called DisableAutomaticLabelWidth, which can be used to revert to the previous LabelWidth behavior.
Added overload to SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton that takes an SdfIcon.
Added PreviewGetter parameter to the PreviewField attribute to specify the preview image and filter mode.
Added SceneUtilities.GetLoadedSceneCount()
Added SirenixGUIStyles.WhiteLabelCentered.
HorizontalGroup now has a Gap property, which is used to control the horizontal space between each property in the group. It is set to 3 pixels by default.
Odin enum fields and enum selectors now support rendering enums with SDF icons.
Added an SdfIcon field to OdinMenuItems as well as various utility methods for providing SDF icons to OdinMenuItems.
Added LabelText Icon overload and updated EnumToggleButton examples.
ListDrawerSettings.Expanded is now obsolete: use the new ShowFoldout instead, which is what Expanded has always done. If you want to control the default expanded state, use the new ListDrawerSettings.DefaultExpandedState.
Changed resolve behaviour of ValueResolvers so resolution always fails with an error message if there was no possible resolution, regardless of whether there was a fallback value available or not.
HasDefinedIcon and HasDefinedIconAlignment have been removed from the InlineButton attribute, check if the value has changed from the default instead.
HasDefinedIcon has been removed from LabelText attribute, check if the Icon member has changed from the default value instead.
HorizontalGroup now uses the our new custom ImGUI Layout group, making horizontal groups far more resiliant and robust - fields drawn inside horizontal groups can no longer change the width in unexpected ways.
Improved tab group tooltip handling so better tooltips show up when you would want them to.
PropertyTree.DelayActionUntilRepaint(() => {}) now triggers an additional repaint event to make sure the scheduled action happens as soon as possible.
SirenixEditorGUI.SDFIconButton() now also supports drawing normal buttons when the Icon is set to None.
The table list, collection, dictionary and asset list drawers now use SDF icons.
The Button attributes's HasDefinedIcon member has been removed, use Icon != SdfIconType.None instead.
The GUITabGroup class has been updated to provide the features talked about in changes for the GUITabGroup attribute.
The LabelWidth field on the HorizontalGroup attribute can now be individually set for each property within the group.
The Odin attribute overview has been polished up, and you can now select, copy and paste text in the code preview section.
The OnValueChange attribute now invokes your code at the end of the next repaint event instead of immediately, reducing the chance of Layout errors occurring because of changes to data structures made at inappropriate times.
Updated various attribute overview examples.
Fixed compatibility issue with Unity 2022.2.x where the inspector would sometimes indent everything when entering and/or exiting play mode.
Fixed an issue where a "Serialized Data Mode Controller" property would show up in OdinEditorWindows in Unity 2022.x.
DictionaryDrawer now again has a background color and border around the "Add" section.
Fixed an issue where SDF icons would sometimes temporarily break after starting and stopping play mode.
Fixed case where buttons would not use tooltips from the label passed to them in the DrawPropertyLayout call.
Fixed case where the PropertyTooltip attribute would not work on buttons.
Fixed case where, if you gave a type the name of a C# primitive, such as Single or UInt64, it would be translated by GetNiceName() (and thus be displayed in the inspector) as float, ulong and so on.
Fixed error where SDFIconButton would internally use GUIHelper.TempContent, thus overriding any temp content label you give it.
Fixed InlineEditor alignment issue when displaying a material.
Fixed rare case where Odin Properties would animate in if the first Draw() call on an Odin PropertyTree was not made during a Layout pass.
Fixed TableList alignment issues.
InspectorProperty no longer measures the size of properties when they are potentially invalid.
OdinMenuItem's OnClick now throws an ExitGUIException as is expected.
SDFIconButton now only adds a method's label text to its tooltip if there isn't room to draw the entire label on the button. Also, it will no longer override the tooltip passed to it when doing this, prepending the label to the tooltip instead when there is a tooltip defined.
The InlineEditor attribute drawer now temporarily sets the global inspector expanded state to true to prevent it from drawing nothing. This is only happens when the header is not drawn, as it contains the toggle expand button.
Fixed case where mixed bool values viewed using the ToggleLeft attribute during multi selection would set all selected values to false if the value of the first selected object was false.
Fixed case where one of the SirenixEditorFields.UnityObjectField would not draw its label.
Fixed an issue where changing page in an OdinMenuEditorEditorWindow could result in enum values carrying over, if the enum selector dropdown was open while selecting a new page.
More fixes and simplifications to GUITimeHelper, animations in Odin should be more smooth and consistent now.
Fixed case where adding a Searchable attribute onto a root inspected type such as a component would cause two search fields to be drawn.
Odin Validator
Added new right-click context menu options for validating specific gameobjects in a scene, respectively Odin / Validate this and children and Odin / Validate this
The Validator window now shows you when validation items added to a profile has potential issues. This for example could be a file path that no longer exists.
Fixed rare case where a null reference exception would be thrown when a validation result got added with a null validator type.
Fixed an issue where exclude scene filters would not work when "collect asset dependencies" in the include scene filter is enabled.
Odin Validator now also finds broken nested prefab connections.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.10
Odin Inspector
Added an overload to SuffixLabelAttribute that takes an SdfIconType as the only paramater.
Added examples to the LabelText attribute, showing how you can use Icons with it.
Added examples to the SuffixLabel attribute, showing how you can use Icons with it.
Added expression compiler support for the "and" and "or" keywords, treating them as direct logical and/or operators equivalent to "&&" and "||". In this round we did not add support for the new "not" and the possible changed meaning of "is" that is more analogous to "==", but that should be coming soon.
Added new ProjectSetting class: ProjectSettingAssetRef.
ProjectSetting editor utils now correctly works with GUI.enabled.
TextureUtility.CropTexture now crops with sRGB set to false.
The EditorIcons.OdinInspectorLogo icon no longer looks washed out when drawin in editor windows.
Odin Validator
A new setting has been introduced to validation under Validator Window > Config > Background Validation called "Keep main session alive in background"
This introduces a better way of preventing the validator from doing any work in the background while a validator window is not open.
The setting can be configured for your entire team or just use. The Odin Validator scene widget, will turn gray when it is disabled and all Odin Validator windows are closed, indicating that no validation session is running in the background.
We've also changed the configuration step in the validation setup wizard. It now allows you to specify how you want the validator to function in your project in a much more user-friendly way.
Added a revert to default button configs in the validator window.
Added counts to "For everyone" & "For this machine" indicating how many filters has been added under each.
Added overload to OdinValidatorWindow that takes an ValidationSessionAssetHandle.
Added two new extention methods to results:
[assembly:RegisterValidator(typeof(MySceneValidator))]publicclassMySceneValidator:SceneValidator{protectedoverridevoidValidate(ValidationResult result){
result.AddError("Error from scene validator with no selection object specified.");var light =this.FindComponentInSceneOfType<Light>();
result.AddError("Error with for a game object").SetSelectionObject(light.gameObject);
result.AddError("Error with for a component").SetSelectionObject(light);}}
protectedoverridevoidValidate(ValidationResult result){
result.AddError("This message is <color=red>really</color> important!").EnableRichText();}
Added ValidationProfile.MainValidationProfile.
The validation profile selector dropdown now displays which profile is set as your main validation profile.
Changed default validation profile names from My Session to My Validation Profile.
Setup wizard now has a more user-friendly step for configuring how background validation should work in your project.
Using the validation profile selector dropdown in the top left corner of the validator window, no longer automaticaly changes what is set as your main validation profile. That is now instead configured in the Config tab under Background Validation.
ValidationSession.IsDisposed is now public.
ValidationSession.MainValidationSession has been marked obsolete as a warning and now only works correctly when 'Keep main session alive in background' is enabled in the Validator config. Use 'ValidationProfile.MainValidationProfile.ClaimSessionHandle()' instead and dispose of it when done using it.
ValidationSession.MainValidationSessionAsset has been marked obsolete as a warning. Use ValidationProfile.MainValidationProfile instead.
ValidationSessionAssetHandle.IsDisposed is now public.
Watch for changes and Validate in background under Odin Validator > Config > Advanced has been updated to show a better warning: Instead of turning off either of the settings below, a better way to disable Odin Validator is to toggle the setting for 'Background Validation > Keep main validation session alive' off. This will ensure that the watching for changes, and performing validation in the background only runs when a validation window is open.
Without the two settings below enabled, the validator will not be able to detect when issues have been resolved.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.9
Odin Inspector
Added Icons to LabelText and SuffixLabel.
Added overload to UnityEditorEventUtility.DelayedAction(action, true) that exludes the possibility of the event executing during GUI events.
Added SDF Icons to the InfoMessageBox attribute and added SirenixGUIStyles.IconMessageBox method.
The trial version of Odin Inspector now doesn't disable the Editor Types preferences when it expires, and the post-expiration footer also provides a button to disable Odin's editors and bring back the vanilla default inspectors. Finally, the footer messages have also been changed to more clearly indicate that Odin's editors will be disabled fully when the trial expires.
Fixed an issue where in some versions of Unity the getting started window would not work when automatically opened after Odin was installed.
Fixed an issue where compact box button would throw a NullReferenceException when the method had no Button attribute applied to it. For example, if the button is shown via the ShowInInspector attribute.
FlattenTree in TypeSelector now supports HideNamespace.
Fixed compatibility issue introduced by 2023.1.0a19 that prevented Odin from drawing types for which Odin editors were not hardcoded.
Odin Validator
Added IsWatching and IsValidating debug information in the validator profiler tab.
The skip-forward and stop buttons in the validator window are now no longer visible when background validation is turned off.
"Right-click > Reset to default" and "Right-click > Remove local override" in validator settings, now marks the config asset dirty.
Fixed error where "On Project Startup" would yield multiple unrelated errors in the console.
WatchForChanges and ValidateInBackground under advanced settings now works as intendede and is persited.
Fixed error where fixes for issues created by scene validators would throw null reference exceptions when executed.
Odin Serializer
Assets are now only ever scanned once during the AOT scan, instead of once per time it shows up as a dependency. In some cases, this deduplication of scanning work can result in drastically shorter AOT scan times, even making it dozens to hundreds of times faster in extreme cases.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.8
Odin Inspector
Fixed issue where results coming from SceneValidators registered using
RegisterValidator instead of RegisterValidationRule, would yield errors
when selecing issues in the validator window.
Odin Validator
Added context menu options for creating Scene Validators and Scene Rules.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version
Odin Validator
Fixed error when opening Odin Validator through "Tools > Odin > Validator"
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.7
Odin Inspector
All Odin Button attributes now feature icons
You can now choose from 1535 icons and use them in Buttons and InlineButton attributes.
An overview of all icons can be found by going to Tools > Odin > Inspector > Sdf Icon Overview.
[Button(SdfIconType.Moon)]voidButton1(){}// We've added three different ways for you to customize the button:[Button(SdfIconType.Moon,
IconAligment =...,// LeftOfText / RightOfText / LeftEdge / RightEdge
ButtonAligment =...,// Left (0), middle (0.5), Right (1)
Stretch =...// True by default)]
ValueDropdowns for System.Type now displays a type Icon.
InlineButtons now respect the Tooltip and PropertyTooltip attributes
Improved SDF icon rendering at lower icon resolutions.
EnumToggleButtons now respects [HideInInspector]
Fixed case where, in Unity 2023.1.0a13 and above, Odin would not be able to dynamically inject any of its custom editors because Unity's internal custom editor management setup had changed. This would result in Odin not drawing any types for which Odin editors were not hardcoded. Odin's editor injection logic has now been updated to account for changes made in this version.
Fixed gui clipping issue when drawing SDF icons.
Fixed issue where, when you inspect a collection of System.Type values, IE, typically a Type[] or List<Type>, adding a Type value to it via the collection add button would cause Unity to crash, and also display an incomplete list of types to add. All features of the collection drawer now work correctly when the element type is System.Type.
Improved the quality of icons in Odin dropdowns fields.
The EnumToggleButtons attribute is now Unity version independent, and selected buttons should now be equally visible in all versions of Unity.
IndexOutOfRange exceptions are no longer thrown by Odin when a searchable collection's length is changed by non-Odin code while that collection is being filtered by an active search in the inspector.
Odin Validator
You can now enable "Include Asset Dependencies" for scenes. Enabling this, means that
all scene dependencies will recursivly be collected and validated.
You can now drag and drop scenes, assets and folders, into to the validator's filters to have them be included in validation.
Added a OpenValidatorWindow() method to ValidationProfile.
Added ValidationItem.FromSelection(unityObjectArray), that automatically creates appropriate validation items based on object type.
Severity for missing shaders, broken shaders and wrong render piplines can now be configured seperately in the Material validation rule.
Adding a scene to be valited under "scenes" in "Filter Assets" will now also have its scene-asset validated. This means that a scene doesn't have to be added as scene as well as a scene asset to be fully validated.
Imrpoved profile selector in validation events.
Include scene dependencies is now enabled by default in newly created validation profiles.
Polished the inspector for validation profile assets and global validation config.
Validator no longer automatically starts watching for changes in batch mode.
ValidatorSeverity is now drawn with [EnumToggleButtons] by default.
Odin Serializer
Fixed error where, in newer versions of Unity's Mono runtime in Unity 2021.x and newer, the serializer would deserialize corrupt strings, when the string data is packed with 8 bits per character instead of 16. This was happening because the serializer was initializing strings via "new string('\0', length)" calls, and the 2021.x+ runtime no longer actually fills the string with the requested null char, hence introducing the possibility of the string containing garbage values from old memory, since the packed string deserialization logic only fills out every second string byte. The fix was to fill with a ' ' space char instead, which automatically fills the second byte per character with 0.
SerializationUtility.CreateCopy now does not copy any reflection types, such as System.Type or any types derived from System.Reflection.MemberInfo, System.Reflection.Assembly or System.Reflection.Module.
The serializer's type name binding logic now always binds the strings "System.Reflection.MonoMethod" and "System.Reflection.MonoMethod, mscorlib" to the base System.Reflection.MethodInfo.
Odin Inspector Version
Odin Validator
Fixed an issue where multiline issue-messages in the validator window would not always be displayed correctly.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.6
Odin Inspector
Added ToValidatorSeverity() extention to the InfoMessageType enum.
SceneValidator fixes as well as all meta-data now works properly.
Fixed an issue in Odin's SceneReference equality operator.
Fixed case where Odin's UndoTracker would throw errors when animating values on a material. This is because apparently animating a value will sometimes generate bad Undo post process modification events with invalid data in them. Guard clauses have now been added to protect against this case.
Odin Validator
Issue messages in the Odin Validator window, is now cursor-selectable.
RuleConfig now works with IValidator's instead of Validators.
Fixed a bug where sometimes changes made to a value while executing a fix would not be applied correctly.
Fixed issue introduced in 3.1.5 where Sirenix.OdinValidator.Editor.dll have wrong import settings.
OnPlay validation hook no longer runs when entering playmode through the Unity TestRunner.
Right clicking a folder in the project browser to create validators no longer defaults to the parent folder.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.5
Odin Inspector
Added OnlyChangeValueOnConfirm parameter to ValueDropdown, which will make sure the value only changes when the dropdown actually confirms the value change, rather than every time a new potential value is selected in the dropdown. This is useful for those cases where a value dropdown is used for changing values which have complicated on value changed or property setter setups where actual value changes must be kept to a minimum.
Added OdinDefineSymbols.cs for determining which type of Odin is installed during runtime.
Removed Odin compatibility layers as Unity versions prior to 2019 are no longer supported.
Fixed error where ConvertUtility would not properly convert GameObject instances into interface types by getting components of that interface. As drag and drop zones now used ConvertUtility, this bug prevented dragging of game objects onto interface members.
Further improved the way the license management API makes web requests to the licensing server to ensure that web requests are always tracked and disposed correctly in all cases. This should fix the remaining rare error messages some people were getting about native arrays in web requests not being disposed properly and leaking memory.
SirenixGUIStyles.WhiteLabel is now white in all GUIStyle modes.
Odin Validator
Added installation step to Odin Validator that ensures the correct version of Odin Inspector is installed.
Severity for warnings and errors in the the shader compiler validator can now be configured individually.
The validator setting "Open component in inspector and close others" is now false by default.
Fixed an issue where Odin Validator would not detect errors visible in the inspector when selecting scriptable objects and other assets.
Method paramaters no longer get validated by Odin Validator.
Odin Serializer
Added VectorInt formatters to serializer assembly instead of keeping them as standalone scripts in the Odin Inspector distribution.
Improved logging of type resolution and casting errors during deserialization; these logs should now give far better type names for everything. Most had already been improved, but Easy AOT versions, IE, the new AnySerializer, did not have the logging improvements.
Fixed case where the AOT support generation would accidentally generate support for types that it was not allowed to generate support for.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.4
Odin Inspector
Fixed a bunch of issues with the SceneObjectsOnly attribute by utilizing the new PrefabKind from OdinPrefabUtility.
Fixed a bug in GlobalConfigUtility where it would not correctly locate and load configs from /Resources/ folders.
Odin Validator
Fixed case where the position of Odin Validator in right click asset context menus would sometimes become the first item instead of the last.
Fixed null reference exception in GetNiceValidatorTypeName method.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.3
Odin Inspector
Greatly reduced Odin's impact on reload times in certain kinds of projects where it would be unusually large despite only a
tiny fraction of the main thread reload time consisting of executing Odin code. This was done by removing a great deal of threaded
initialization and caching code from the AssemblyUtilities class and replacing it with simpler, fully synchronous and lazily
resolved implementations. This prevents a great deal of up-front reflection work from taking place; even though this was taking
place on another thread, exhaustive profiling indicated that it was still indirectly greatly slowing down several parts of Unity's
main thread initialization steps, such as the Burst compiler and HDRP initialization. We're unsure as to the exact runtime
mechanisms that caused this interaction, but nevertheless, in large reproduction projects set up to exhibit this behaviour, this
reduced Odin's combined direct and indirect impact on reload times from about ~8-10 seconds to about ~0-2 seconds.
The issue reporter's reported project reload times went from 15 seconds with Odin installed and 8 seconds without Odin installed,
to also being 8 seconds with Odin installed. This indicates that Odin's impact on project reload times has been rendered negligible,
at least in this case.
Dragging a Component onto a GameObject drop zone, and a GameObject onto a Component drop zone is now supported when using DragAndDropUtilities. Furthermore, DragAndDropUtilities drop zones now also support all implicit and explicit cast operators from the dragged type to the target type.
ConvertUtility can now convert from Component to GameObject, and the reverse, returning respectively the Component's GameObject when converting from Component to GameObject, and the first Component instance of the requested type on the GameObject (or null if no such component exists), when converting from GameObjects to Components.
Added OdinPrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabAsset(UnityEngine.Object obj), which will locate the prefab asset for the current/closest prefab serialization scope. IE, given prefab assets A and B, and a prefab instance A1 containing a nested prefab instance B1, the nearest prefab asset for a component inside B1 would be B, while it would be A for a component inside A1 that is not part of another nested instance.
DragAndDropUtilities now uses ConvertUtility to attempt to coerce dragged object values into values compatible with targeted drop zones.
Object fields now correctly show "Missing" when a reference has gone missing or been destroyed, instead of showing "None". When the missing reference is restored, the inspector will now display the restored instance despite the actual managed object reference in the inspected data still being fake null. This emulates Unity's own native inspector behaviour in this case. It is important to note that this fix, taking the form of a value swap, happens within the property system itself. As such, all inspected null Unity object references with instance IDs that point to valid objects will now be seamlessly swapped for the valid object references when the property tree is gathering values from inspected members.
Odin Validator
Added the ability to add prefab exceptions to the duplicate components. These exclude filters can be added when right-clicking a duplicate component issue in the validator when the validated object belongs to a prefab assset or instance.
Issue severity can now be configured in the duplicate components rule.
Odin Serializer
Fixed errors and warnings about invalid and discouraged formatter creation being thrown and logged by AOT support generation after changes made to more aggressively generate support for more types.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.2
Odin Inspector
Fixed case where InvalidCastException would be thrown when a value in the inspector was null and being requested by a drawer, processor or validator that was using the new non-generic targeting to match the base type of the containing member.
Odin Validator
Improved validator window layout when it has a narrow window size.
Validation events occuring occurring while entering playmode, where background validation has not yet gotten the signal to be turned off, are now ignored.
Odin Serializer
No changes were made to Odin Serializer in this version.
Odin Inspector Version 3.1.1
The minimum supported version of Unity is now 2019.4 across all Odin products
Odin 3.1 is now out of beta with a brand new Odin Validator, available on the Asset Store!
See the Odin Validator in action!
High performance
Bulk fixing
Right Click > Validate This
Seamless scene switching
Additions since beta release
Added several new project window context menus to Assets > Odin Validator > Filter to help with quickly including and excluding items from the current validation profile:
Assets > Odin Validator > Filter > Exclude from active validation profile Assets > Odin Validator > Filter > Include in active validation profile
Including an excluded item removes the exclusion instead of adding a new included item - and vice versa. It also detects if scenes filters need to be added or removed. It also works with multi selection.
Assets > Odin Validator > Filter > Open filter settings
Opens the filter settings for the active validation profile in the validator window.
Enabling filter drawing will cause icons to be drawn in the project window that indicate whether an item is included or excluded from validation.
The circle indicates whether the asset will be validated, and the + / X icons indicate whether a filter item exists for the asset.
An exclamation mark appears if an include rule is being overridden by an exclude rule; these don't do any harm, the include just won't have any effect.
The drawing of filter icons is off by default, and can be toggled from the right context menu.
Added welcome flow to Odin Validator; when it is first installed, only a single error message will be shown, prompting the user to go through the setup wizard or to skip it.
Added context menu options to export HTML and JSON reports to the Validator window
Added Validator tutorial links to the Validator section of the new Getting Started window.
Fixes since beta release
Fixed issue where changes made to asset filters would not always be instantly applied.
Changes since beta release
OpenOrFocusWindowForSession now returns the ValidationSessionEditor instance instead of the window.
Changed default validate on load settings to be false.
Changed the ValidationReport API and extension methods around a bit to their final form.
Odin Inspector
New Getting Started window
We've added a new and improved Getting Started window, with sections for each current product in our lineup.
It contains all the same things the old one did, as well as a setup wizard for Odin Validator,
new tutorials, and more.
Six New Attributes
We've added six new attributes that make it far easier to work with Unity's prefabs.
They let you easily specify in which sorts of prefabs - for example, a value like a target
that must be set on all prefab instances in scenes, but not necessarily on all prefab assets.
For this purpose, we've also introduced a new PrefabKind enum which expresses the kinds of different
prefabs that it is commonly useful to talk about and distinguish between, such as prefab
assets, variants, instances in scenes, instances in prefabs, and so on.
Which prefab kinds to show a value in.
Which prefab kinds to hide a value in.
Which prefab kinds to disable a value in.
Which prefab kinds to enable a value in.
Which prefab kinds to require a value in.
Which prefab kinds to disallow making modifications to this value in.
using UnityEngine;using Sirenix.OdinInspector;// The pressure plate must target an object in a scene,// but does not need a target when it's a prefab asset.// At the same time, it dispatches events to a global// event manager ScriptableObject which must only be set// on prefab assets and cannot be changed in instances// or prefab variants.publicclassPressurePlate:MonoBehaviour{[SceneObjectsOnly][RequiredIn(PrefabKind.InstanceInScene)]publicInteractable Target;[DisallowModificationsIn(PrefabKind.PrefabInstance)]publicGlobalEventManager EventManager;}
New SdfIcon Library
We've added a new SdfIcons class for drawing icons using signed distance fields for pixel perfect
rendering at any scale and resolution. The SdfIcon enum include the entire
Bootstrap icon library, which is searchable in the
new Icon Overview window which can be found at the Tools > Odin > Inspector > Sdf Icon Overview.
This is as yet merely a new API accessible from code, as SdfIcon options have not yet been added to
all attributes where it might make sense. This will, however, happen in the future.
EditorOnlyModeConfig now has far less of an impact on startup time.
Added lazy fetching of PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications for a PropertyTree's PrefabModificationHandler, so it is only fetched when it is needed, as fetching it is very slow.
Attribute expressions are now cached for a time to prevent constant repeated parsing and compilation of the same expressions in cases such as validation scanning.
PrefabModificationHandler is now cached and reused when PropertyTree instances are cached and reused.
The property grouping system now uses a new internal emitted deep copier utility for greatly increased grouping performance due to reduced overhead for copying attribute instances.
Added ISelfValidator interface, which lets any type specify validation logic for itself which will be executed as part of validation as though a custom validator has been written for it.
Added support for non-generic polymorphic targeting when type matching for drawers, validators, processors, resolvers, and so on. This means that for example MyDrawer : OdinValueDrawer<UnityEngine.Object> will now apply to all UnityEngine.Object derived types, without needing to declare it as a generic match such as MyDrawer<T> : OdinValueDrawer<T> where T : UnityEngine.Object. Apply the new [DisableNonGenericPolymorphicTypeMatching] attribute to disable this behaviour.
Added the ProjectSetting, ProjectSettingsGlobalConfig and EditorPref classes to assist with settings values. As we go, we will be converting more of Odin's settings to use these so that more settings can be set both on a project and machine basis.
ResultItem instances used by Validators can now contain multiple results instead of representing just a single result, using the new ResultItem.AddError() and ResultItem.AddWarning() methods. This lets a single validator generate multiple separate errors and warnings Use these new methods instead of setting message and result types directly on the ResultItem instance.
Added builder pattern to ResultItem for both Validator and ISelfValidator, IE, result.AddError(foo).WithFix(bar).WithMetaData(baz).
Added leak detection for Odin PropertyTree instances, which will print a helpful message to the debug log when a PropertyTree is garbage collected without first having been disposed, and which contains information about where the tree was allocated to help track down the source of the leak. Use the PropertyTree.EnableLeakDetection member to disable and enable this functionality.
Added support for Validators to implement the IDefineGenericMenuItems interface. Menu items added by a validator will appear for displayed issues in both the inspector and in the validator window.
this.ValueEntry.SmartValue can now be accessed through this.Value in ValueDrawers, AttributeDrawers with values, AttributeValidators, RootObjectValidators and ValueValidators.
Added EnumTypeUtilities and cleaned up EnumSelector.
Added SirenixEditorGUI.MessageBox overload that takes a GuiStyle as parameter.
Added MiniLabelCentered to SirenixGUIStyles.
Added more menu item shortcuts to Odin Serialization preferences.
Added RecordUndoForChanges member to PropertyTree, that lets you specify whether or not the undo should be recorded.
Added Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.UndoTracker utility that can be used to track when objects are modified, as well as when those modifications are undone and redone on which objects.
Added various OdinMenuTree colors to SirenixGuiStyles.
Added GUITimeHelper class, which helps keep track of time and replaces the old EditorTimeHelper class.
Added new overload of SirenixEditorGUI.MessageBox which takes a delegate that can add items to the context menu when right-clicking the message box.
Added OdinEditorResources class to Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor which contains logos of Odin and other things.
Added PrefabKind enum to the Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes assembly, and added the new method OdinPrefabUtility.GetPrefabKind(obj).
Added PropertyTree.SerializationBackend property, which controls which SerializationBackend to use for the PropertyTree instance's root, and which overrides any default behaviour. Also added overloads to PropertyTree.Create that lets you pass in an initial SerializationBackend to use.
Added Sirenix.Utilities.Editor.CleanupUtility class to help clean up objects and disposables upon app domain reloads.
Added TakeFromLeft, TakeFromRight, TakeFromTop and TakeFromBottom to RectExtensions.
Added TextureUtilities.ResizeByBlit() that can resize a texture regardless of its readOnly state.
The root object of a PropertyTree can be accessed from attribute expressions via the $root named value. For example, [InfoBox("@$")] will print the name of the component if a component is inspected.
Added .Slice() extension method to strings which is the same as .Slice(0).
Added TrimStart(), TrimEnd() and Trim() to StringSlice.
Added Vector2Int & Vector3Int to GenericNumberUtility.Vectors
Added Vector2Int & Vector3Int to GenericNumberUtility.Vectors. The MinValue, MaxValue and MinMaxSlider attributes should now work with them.
InspectorProperty.NiceName for ordered collection elements now takes the form of "CollectionNiceName [index]" instead of just "index".
Marked various obsolete members as being hidden from IDE intellisense for IDEs which support it and have the feature enabled.
Removed all legacy features from Validator types which were made obsolete with Odin 2.1.
SirenixGUIStyles.RichTextLabel now word wraps.
The overload of GUIHelper.RequestRepaint that takes an argument of how many frames it should repaint for has been deprecated.
Changed stretchWidth on the SirenixGUIStyles.MultiLineLabel style to true.
EditorTime.Time is now obsolete - use the new GUITimeHelper.DeltaTime instead.
Removed the obsoleted LinqExtensions.ToHashSet overloads entirely, as enough time has passed since they were obsoleted.
Reorganized Odin's menu items.
UnityTypeCacheUtility is now obsolete, as we no longer support versions of unity from 2018 and below.
Icons for info, error and warning messages are now much smaller, making the message boxes take up less space in the inspector.
The EditorPref class is now lazily implemented and doesn't get values from EditorPrefs until they are first requested, letting you use them in Unity object field initializers.
Added the concept of a TargetMatchCategory to the TypeSearchIndex class to distinguish which type parameters are intended to be matched to values vs matched to attributes; type matching is now more precise and handles weird edge cases far better.
GuiHelper.GetAssetThumbnail now gives more accurate thumbnail icons.
Added bounds check to StringSlice's indexer.
CustomValueDrawer now also works for drawing methods and expressions that return void; in this case, no value will be set automatically.
Fixed a bug where OdinEditorWindow's without a scroll bar would not paint the background correctly.
Fixed bug where EnumSelector.DrawEnumField didn't draw the label provided.
Fixed Button attribute's DirtyOnClick still causing scenes and assets to be marked dirty when undoable changes are made. This means undo is now disabled for changes made by button clicks when DirtyOnClick is set to false.
Fixed case where setting new targets on a property tree would prevent prefab modifications from working properly.
Fixed case where TypeExtensions.GetCastMethod would return a method with a wrong signature that could not in fact perform the requested cast. This could cause the expression system to compile invalid expressions and cause hard crashes when inadvertently invoking methods with parameters of the wrong types.
Fixed issue where InfoBoxValidator would not get a custom message if the VisibleIf parameter was not set.
Fixed issue where the ToggleGroup attribute would not respect setting CollapseOthersOnExpand to false when it has multiple members.
Fixed Odin failing to update the editors of existing PropertyEditor window instances when injecting its editors. Odin will now force update the editors of all window instances which implement the IPropertyView interface.
Fixed PropertyTree leak in the module preferences tab.
Fixed several issues where PropertyTrees was not properly disposed.
Fixed various various IMGUI layout issues and slightly improved performance of SirenixEditorGUI.BeginFadeGroup()
GUIEditorTime.DeltaTime now works correctly when used in multple different IMGUIContainers from the same window.
In cases where SirenixAssetPaths fails to locate Odin's install path, it now defaults to the default installation folder instead of project root.
InspectorTypeDrawingConfigDrawer now uses SafeGetTypes() when retrieving types from assemblies, to protect itself from corrupt loaded assemblies.
PropertyTrees now apply queued changes when disposed.
Range, MinMaxSlider, MaxValue and MinValue attribute drawers no longer immediately clamp the value to valid values when drawing; values are now only clamped to valid ranges when user input changes the values so that data does not mutate merely by inspecting it.
Reverting prefab modifications on a value now triggers OnValueChanged for that value.
All OdinSelector window instances now close immediately when the current selection changes, to prevent all strange edge cases where things change under the selector's feet.
DisableInNonPrefabs, DisableInPrefabs, DisableInPrefabInstances, DisableInPrefabAssets, HideInNonPrefabs, HideInPrefabs, HideInPrefabAssets, HideInPrefabInstances, HideInPrefabs, have all been fixed to work with prefab stages. They have also been marked obsolete in favor of the new ShowIn, HideIn, EnableIn and DisableIn attributes.
Dragging a texture asset set to be a sprite onto a PreviewField for a sprite member now accepts the drag, assigning the texture's first sprite as the value.
Fixed bug where the InspectorProperty for a method with a dot "." in its signature (such as when it had nested types as arguments) would have its name truncated to whatever came after the last dot in the name.
Fixed case where a member with a single letter name could not be targeted as a member reference in a resolved string, IE, [ShowIf("a")] wouldn't work for example.
Fixed case where drawing aliased methods (such as when other members in base types have the same name as the method) with parameters would cause exceptions to the be thrown in the ButtonParameterPropertyResolver, preventing drawing of the method/button.
Fixed case where EditorIcons textures would leak upon app domain reloads without being cleaned up.
Fixed cases where animating elements would not always be consistent with the framerate of editor windows, using the new and improved GUITimeHelper.DeltaTime utility.
Fixed collection resolvers not applying to root properties of property trees, causing an inspected list to not be drawn as a list, when for example using OdinEditorWindow.InspectObject(theList).
Fixed compiler error in EnumToggleButtonsAttributeDrawer.cs in source mode in newer versions of Unity that happened due to a name collision with StringExtensions.
Fixed error in generic type argument inferral in the GenericParameterInferenceTypeMatcher, and in TypeExtensions.TryInferGenericParameters, where they in some cases would fail to properly infer generic parameter arguments from parameter constraints which were nested two or more layers deep in other parameter constraints. This would cause an error where, for example, the type declaration `public class SomeDrawer<TList,TReference,TAsset> : where TList : IList<TReference> where TReference : AssetReferenceT<TAsset> where TAsset : Object` would fail to match to valid types such as `List<AssetReferenceT<Component>>`.
Odin Serializer
Integrated the Easy AOT feature which has been offered as an experimental testing build for a long time. This feature means Odin Serializer can function without AOT generation support in many cases where it would have failed before.
In these cases, it will now fall back to weakly typed versions of all applicable formatters and serializers.
AOT Support generation is now far more aggressive and proactive when deciding which types to generate support for. For any given type it knows it has to generate support for, it will recurse through its probable serialized members as well as serializer types referenced by all formatters for that type, and generate support for those, recursing further down as needed. IE, supporting ColorBlock[] will now generate also support for ColorBlock, Color and float automatically, and so on.
Type casting errors where deserialized values cannot be assigned to the expected type now log the full type name of all relevant types.
Added new "bool allowWeakFallbackFormatters" parameter to the IFormatterLocator interface. The locator is not allowed to return weakly typed formatter instances if this parameter is passed as true.
Fixed case where the DefaultSerializationBinder's type binding logic would fail to correctly resolve type names for vector arrays to multidimensional arrays of 1 dimension instead, if .NET type resolution fails, such as in the case of types having been renamed.
Fixed case where, in cases where no AOT support has been generated for serialized primitive arrays, the weak fallback formatter for primitive arrays would fail to deserialize the values properly and the array would be null after deserialization.
EditorOnlyModyConfigUtility will now not throw exceptions when drawing the editor only mode warning for SerializedX classes in an editor only mode distribution of Odin.
Fixed AOT support issue introduced during the 3.1 beta by the easy AOT feature where AOT support for a given type would often not work despite having been generated properly. This was the case for all types that had custom formatter locators, IE, arrays, basic generic collections (List<T>, Hashset<T>, etc), delegates, ISelfFormatter types and ISerializable types.
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
Opening prefabs from validator issues now always open the stage for the outer most prefab instance, instead of the nearest prefab instance.
Validation Profiles can now have icons, which can be changed while having the profile asset selected.
Fixed error log that would occur when toggling visibility of gameobjects.
Odin Inspector
Added value drawer for SdfIconType.
Sdf Icon Overview can now also function as a Icon Selector. (SdfIconSelector)
Fixed beta issue where all Odin Inspector and Odin Validator's precompiled assemblies would be compiled against .NET Framework 4.8 instead of .NET Framework 4.7.1, causing issues with VS Code's intellisense and compiler errors when trying to manually build solutions or projects referencing the .dll's via for example MSBuild. All assemblies are now built targeting .NET Framework 4.7.1.
SdfIconType.None now draws nothing instead of 123
Fixed case introduced during the beta where Odin would incorrectly draw members in Odin-serialized Unity objects as if the roots were always serialized by Odin, and never Unity. This did not change the actual serialization behaviour, only the display of it.
Value on ValueValidator is now browsable and will show up in Visual Studio's intellisense
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
Validator settings are now serialized in your project and shared with your team. They can also be overriden with local machine settings as needed.
Fixed a bug where profiles and other serialized validator settings would be overriden when the project is imported for the first time.
Fixed an issue with ValidationSession.CurrentWarningCount.
Odin Inspector
Added reference to Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes to the Sirenix.Utilities assembly definition in the source distribution of Odin, fixing compiler errors introduced to the source build by the addition of SdfIcons to the Sirenix.Utilities assembly.
Added more menu item shortcuts to Odin Serialization preferences.
Fixed a bug where the SdfIcon texture is unable to be loaded during InitializeOnLoad first time the project is loaded. Unity is still unable to load it, but uses of API SdfIcon api is resiliant to it not working during that time, and SdfIcon will fix itself later when the AssetDatabase works again.
Fixed various ImGUI layout issues and slightly improoved performance of SirenixEditorGUI.BeginFadeGroup()
GUIEditorTime.DeltaTime's now work correctly when used in multple different IMGUIContainers from the same window.
Odin ProjectSetting utilities intoruced in the beta is now moved to the Sirenix.OdinInspector.Internal namespace.
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
Features and additions
Added new Getting Started window. The Odin Validator tutorials linked in the new window are not ready yet, but will be online soon.
Added setup wizard in the Odin Validator section of the new Getting Started, which will guide you through initial setup of Odin Validator and offer to migrate
settings from the old version of the Validator if you have it installed.
Added "Configure" context menu to the scene validation widget.
Added right click context to No Empty Strings rule.
Added right click context to Reference Required By Default rule.
Added right click context to Scene Not In Build Settings rule.
Added ability to ignore certain shader assets in Shader Compile Error rule.
Added FindAllComponentsInSceneOfType<T> and FindComponentInSceneOfType<T> to SceneValidators.
Added 'Ignore shader compile errors' > 'For me only' and 'For everyone' to Shader Compile Error rule's right click context.
Added 'ignore this component type' to duplicate component rule's right click menu.
Added result.AddError("error message").WithModifyRuleDataContextClick(..) which makes it easy to modify rule settings when right clicking issues that come from rules.
Added support for validators to implement the IDefineGenericMenuItems interface. Menu items added by a validator will appear in both the inspector and in the validator window.
Attributes can now be applied to meta data entries for issues. result.AddError("...").WithMetaData("Name", 10f, new RangeAttribute(0, 20), new InfoBoxAttribute("Hello"));
Changed how enabling and disabling live validation works in the Validator Window.
Cleaned up the ValidationSession API, and added validationSession.CurrentWarningCount, validationSession.CurrentErrorCount and validationSession.CurrentValidCount() as well as GetCurrentResults(applyFilters) ;
Creating a profile in the validator window, now pings the asset it creates.
Double clicking issues from prefab assets now opens the prefab stage and locates the issue in there.
Missing shader issues on materials are now fixable.
Restructured validation config and added many new options in validation config for specifying when to automatically validate certain objects.
this.ValueEntry.SmartValue can now be accessed through this.Value in AttribtueValidators, RootObjectValidators and ValueValidators.
Validator now captures all console errors and warnings logged during asset load events performed during validation.
You can now more easily add buttons to issues. Example: result.AddError("").WithButton("Name", () => { Debug.Log("Button was clicked"); })
Added right click > 'See Rule Settings' to huge transforms.
The way in which features are added to error messages has been changed from parameters on a single create call to a fluent builder pattern. IE, result.AddError().WithFix(..).WithMetaData("name", value)
Validator feedback button was moved from being an overlay button, to be part left icon menu.
Column header labels are now left aligned.
Duplicate component rule message now includes the name of the duplicate component.
Duplicate Component rule right context is now 'Ignore this component' > 'For Me Only' and 'For everyone'.
Huge Transform Position rule right click context is now 'Open rule settings' > 'For Me Only' and 'For everyone'.
Improved validation count per second in progress bars.
Renamed PersistentValidationResult to PersistentValidationResultBatch, and added a new version of PersistentValidationResult which is a simple data-only class that only ever represents a single result, not potentially a collection of them. Also changed the ValidateEverythingEnumerator APIs and added ValidateEverythingEnumeratorBatched.
Renamed ValidationSessionProfile to ValidationProfile, ISessionConfigData to IValidationProfile, GlobalSessionConfigData to MainValidationProfile and LocalSessionConfigData to MainLocalValidationProfile.
ResultItem.WithContextClick can now be called multiple times to add multiple right click options instead of just one.
Root Object Validator templates are now non-generic.
RuleConfig.GetRuleDataWrapper now keeps and reuses the RuleDataWrapper object.
SceneView is no longer accessible as a parameter through the delegate passed to result.AddError().WithOnSceneGUI() to be consistent with the non editor version accessed through ISelfValidator. You can still access it though SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView.
When a gameobject is deleted, only the scene it came from will be revalidated, if the setting for it is enabled.
Fixed case where fixes for sub-validation results would not be persisted.
Fixed case where prefabs assets would not be pinged in the project browser on double click.
Fixed issue data would not always get updated after revalidation.
Fixed issue where some objects would not get removed from the validator window when deleted from Unity.
Multiple Audio Listeners validator now only looks through active gameobjects.
Search and filters are now properly handled for validators that output multiple results.
Validator no longer revalidates entire prefabs when revalidation of a component inside a prefab is triggered.
When switching to a scene the validate has already validated, it will no longer re-validate that entire scene.
Fixed case where rebuilding of persisted validation result items was broken in cases where not all data items had references to persist.
Odin Inspector
Added a new Getting Started window and removed the old one.
Added builder pattern to ResultItem for both Validator and ISelfValidator, IE, result.AddError(foo).WithFix(bar).WithMetaData(baz). These replace the now-removed AddX overloads that took fix and metadata arguments.
Added DisableIn attribute.
Added EnableIn attribute.
Added HideIn attribute.
Added new overload of SirenixEditorGUI.MessageBox which takes a delegate that can add items to the context menu when right-clicking the message box.
Added OnContextClick and OnSceneGUI delegates to ResultItems for both Validator and ISelfValidator, which is what is added to ValidationResult instances via result.AddError() etc. OnContextClick is invoked to help build a right-click context menu for that validation result item when it is right clicked in the inspector or in the Validator window, and OnSceneGUI lets you draw to a scene view when the result item is selected in the validator window if you have Odin Validator installed. Use the new builder pattern methods WithContextClick and WithSceneGUI to set these on your results, IE, result.AddError(error).WithContextClick(foo).WithSceneGUI(bar).
Added PrefabKind enum to OdinInspector.Attributes.dll and OdinPrefabUtility.GetPrefabKind(obj).
Added ShowIn attribute, which lets you specify in which kinds of prefabs a thing should be shown.
Added TextureUtilities.ResizeByBlit() that can resize a texture regardless of its readOnly state.
The root object of a property tree can now be accessed from Odin's attribute expressions as a named argument. [InfoBox("@$")] will print the name of the component if a component is inspected.
Added DisallowModificationsIn attribute.
Added RequiredIn attribute.
Icons for info, error and warning messages are now much smaller, making the message boxes take up less space in the inspector.
Made the icons of warnings and errors and info smaller, which means smaller info boxes in the inspector.
Moved SdfIcons to the Sirenix.Utilities.Editor assembly.
Moved SdfIconType to the correct assembly, Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes.
Removed Fix<T> generic variant; there's now just Fix. The usage API is the same, though, so this should have little impact for anyone.
Removed overloads for ValidationResult and SelfValidationResult that took fix and metadata arguments; use the builder pattern that replaces it instead, IE, result.AddError(foo).WithFix(bar).WithMetaData(baz).
Removed the Validator.OnSceneGuiSelected virtual method. Use the OnSceneGUI delegate on individual result items instead, ideally using the builder pattern via result.AddError("Error").WithSceneGUI()
Reorganized Odin's menu items.
All OdinSelector window instances now close immediately when the current selection changes, to prevent all strange edge cases where things change under the selector's feet.
DisableInNonPrefabs, DisableInPrefabs, DisableInPrefabInstances, DisableInPrefabAssets, HideInNonPrefabs, HideInPrefabs, HideInPrefabAssets, HideInPrefabInstances, HideInPrefabs, has all been fixed to work with stages. But they have also been marked obsolete in favor of the new attributes.
Fixed bug where SdfIcons didn't work during initialization of Unity.
Fixed PropertyTree leak in the module preferences tab.
Fixed compiler error in EnumToggleButtonsAttributeDrawer.cs in source mode in newer versions of Unity that happened due to a name collision with StringExtensions.
Fixed case where TypeExtensions.GetCastMethod would return a method with a wrong signature that could not in fact perform the requested cast. This could cause the expression system to compile invalid expressions and cause hard crashes when inadvertently invoking methods with parameters of the wrong types.
Fixed Odin failing to update the editors of existing PropertyEditor window instances when injecting its editors. Odin will now force update the editors of all window instances which implement the IPropertyView interface.
Fixed issue where InfoBoxValidator would not get a custom message if the VisibleIf parameter was not set.
Reference Required By Default now correctly handles Unity-null objects.
In cases where SirenixAssetPaths fails to locate it self, it now defaults to the default installation folder instead of project root.
Fixed error in generic type argument inferral in the GenericParameterInferenceTypeMatcher, and in TypeExtensions.TryInferGenericParameters, where they in some cases would fail to properly infer generic parameter arguments from parameter constraints which were nested two or more layers deep in other parameter constraints. This would cause an error where, for example, the type declaration `public class SomeDrawer<TList,TReference,TAsset> : where TList : IList<TReference> where TReference : AssetReferenceT<TAsset> where TAsset : Object` would fail to match to valid types such as `List<AssetReferenceT<Component>>`.
Odin Serializer
Type casting errors where deserialized values cannot be assigned to the expected type now log the full type name of all relevant types.
Fixed case where the DefaultSerializationBinder's type binding logic would fail to correctly resolve type names for vector arrays to multidimensional arrays of 1 dimension instead, if .NET type resolution fails, such as in the case of types having been renamed.
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
Fixed various layout issues.
ValidationSessionAsset has been renamed to ValidationSessionProfile
Odin Inspector
Fixed various layout issues.
Fixed cases where animating elements would not always be consistent with the framerate of editor windows.
EditorTime.Time is now obsolete - use the new GUITimeHelper.RepaintDeltaTime or GUITimeHelper.LayoutDeltaTime instead.
UnityTypeCacheUtility is now obsolete as we no longer support versions of unity from 2018 and below.
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
Added ValidationReport class, which provides an API for generating json and HTML reports for validation session results. UI buttons to create these reports will be added later.
Added Unity Event Validator.
Added info below the execute fix button when there is no fix to draw.
Added MaterialValidator and improved material and shader validation.
Added No Empty Strings rule.
Finally added Reference Required By Default rule.
RequireComponent now offers to automatically add the missing component, either on the prefab root, or the gameobject itself.
Fixed a bug where issues would not always disappear when an object was deleted.
Fixed bug where validation couldn't be enabled or disabled.
Fixed case where changing asset filters would not immidiatly be applied.
Fixed case where fixes to missing mesh renders would not always work.
Fixed case where ObjectAddress would locate the wrong object in a scene after hierarchy changes had been made after a scan finished. This would manifest as the wrong objects being selected on clicking issue entries in the issue overview.
Fixed issue where Odin Validator in source mode would have an ambiguous type reference compiler error between UnityEditor.SerializationUtility and Sirenix.Serialization.SerializationUtility in GlobalSessionConfigData.cs.
Made several major and minor changes and improvements to the validator window UI to improve UX.
Embedded shaders and materials into source code.
Issues will now more quickly disappear when a scene object is deleted.
The plus button under the rules tab in the Odin Validator window now only offers to create rules and not validators, to avoid confusion between the two concepts.
Odin Inspector
Added ImGUITimeHelper.
Added OdinEditorResources to Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor which contains logos of Odin and other things.
Added PropertyTree.SerializationBackend property, which controls SerializationBackend to use for the PropertyTree instance's root, and which overrides any default behaviour. Also added overloads to PropertyTree.Create that lets you pass in an initial SerializationBackend to use.
Added Sirenix.Utilities.Editor.CleanupUtility class to help clean up objects and disposables upon app domain reloads.
Added TakeFromLeft, TakeFromRight, TakeFromTop and TakeFromBottom to RectExtensions.
Made RequiredInPrefabInstances & RequiredInPrefabAssets fixable.
Dragging a texture asset set to be a sprite onto a PreviewField for a sprite member now accepts the drag, assigning the texture's first sprite as the value.
Fixed bug where the InspectorProperty for a method with a dot "." in its signature (such as when it had nested types as arguments) would have its name truncated to whatever came after the last dot in the name.
Fixed case where a member with a single letter name could not be targeted as a member reference in a resolved string, IE, [ShowIf("a")] wouldn't work for example.
Fixed case where drawing aliased methods (such as when other members in base types have the same name as the method) with parameters would cause exceptions to the be thrown in the ButtonParameterPropertyResolver, preventing drawing of the method/button.
Fixed case where EditorIcons textures would leak upon app domain reloads without being cleaned up.
Fixed collection resolvers not applying to root properties of property trees, causing an inspected list to not be drawn as a list, when for example using OdinEditorWindow.InspectObject(theList).
Fixed issue where the UndoTracker would start mixing up which objects were in which undo groups when a lot of undoing and redoing was done, which would cause it to start sending wrong undo and redo events for the wrong objects sometimes.
Removed the obsoleted LinqExtensions.ToHashSet overloads entirely, as enough time has passed since they were obsoleted.
Better Require Component error messages.
Odin Serializer
Fixed case where, in cases where no AOT support has been generated for serialized primitive arrays, the weak fallback formatter for primitive arrays would fail to deserialize the values properly and the array would be null after deserialization.
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
Added ISelfValidator interface, which lets any type specify validation logic for itself which will be executed as part of validation as though a custom validator has been written for it.
Added ValidatorSeverity overload to ValidationResults, which registers an error or warning depending on the severity, and doesn't do anything if the severity is set to ignore.
Added MeshRendererValidator rule that detects missing materials, broken materials, and prefab modifications in mesh renderers.
Right clicking issues from scenes now presents a "Ping scene asset" option.
Added Debug mode in validator settings to hunt down bugs during bulk fixing and show additional information in issue info.
Validation rules will now deserialize with default values for new fields that were added after the rule was last changed and saved.
Fixed Validator about page not rendering the Odin Validator logo.
Prevented "FormatException: Unrecognized Guid format" errors from occuring when assets was removed outside of Unity.
Fixed error where validators for SceneAsset and SceneValidators would come in conflict and wipe out each other's validation results in the validation overview whenever they were revalidated, such as when visible issues were being continuously validated.
Fixed layout error logs that would occur when running many fixes that added/removed components. There is a separate issue where layout errors still occur after running some kinds of fixes; we are still working on resolving those, but this should take care of most of them.
Odin Inspector
Fixed Button attribute's DirtyOnClick still causing scenes and assets to be marked dirty when undoable changes are made. This means undo is now disabled for changes made by button clicks when DirtyOnClick is set to false.
Odin Serializer
Integrated the Easy AOT feature which has been offered as an experimental testing build for a long time. This feature means Odin Serializer can function without AOT generation support in many cases where it would have failed before.
This is a very large change to make which required major reworks and additions to the serializer, hence why it has been in testing for so long. As it has been reported stable and functioning, we've finally chosen to add it.
EditorOnlyModyConfigUtility will now not throw exceptions when drawing the editor only mode warning for SerializedX classes in an editor only mode distribution of Odin.
Odin Inspector Version
Beta Release
There will be duplicate patch notes here, as the patch notes represent the full delta from version 3.0.13. Hence, there is a bit of overlap with the 3.1.0.x beta patches.
Odin Validator
As this was the first public release of the new Odin Validator, there are no patch notes for this version.
Odin Inspector
Added lazy fetching of PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications for a PropertyTree's PrefabModificationHandler, so it is only fetched when it is requested on any given frame, as
fetching it is very slow. More optimizations are coming to this, such that fetched modifications are only updated when they actually change, instead of every frame they are
actually requested, which is still the case even with this change.
Attribute expressions are now cached for a time to prevent constant repeated parsing and compilation of the same expressions in cases such as validation scanning.
PrefabModificationHandler is now cached and reused properly when PropertyTree instances are cached and reused.
Drastically increased performance of validation and project scanning over prior versions of Odin. Changes made are too numerous to list exhaustively, and cover the entire codebase.
We have seen 10-100x improvements in scan time, though scans of very large projects can still take a while. In most of our test cases, Unity's asset and scene loading accounts for the
majority of the validation scan time.
EditorOnlyModeConfig now has far less of an impact on startup time. Where before it could take seconds, it will now in most cases take <3 milliseconds to initialize.
Added SdfIcons to Odin, a new class for drawing icons in the editor. These are a set of icons which are drawn using signed distance fields, meaning they scale to being drawn precisely at
any resolution. Long term, these will replace the EditorIcons class. The SdfIcons class includes the entirety of the Bootstrap icon library. You can search and preview available icons
using the new Tools > Odin Inspector > SDF Icon Overview window.
Added PlaceholderLabel attribute, which draws a placeholder label inside a text field while the text field is empty.
Added three new attributes: RequiredInPrefabAssets, DisallowPrefabModifications and RequiredInPrefabInstances.
Added EnumTypeUtilities and cleaned up EnumSelector.
Added leak detection for Odin PropertyTree instances, which will print a helpful message to the debug log when a PropertyTree is garbage collected without first having been disposed, and which contains information about where the tree was allocated to help track down the source of the leak.
Added MessagBox overload in SirenixEditorGUI that takes a GuiStyle.
Added MiniLabelCentered to SirenixGUIStyles.
Added PropertyTree.EnableLeakDetection setting.
Added RecordUndoForChanges to PropertyTree, that lets you specify whether or not the undo should be recorded.
Added Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.UndoTracker utility that can be used to track when objects are modified, as well as when those modifications are undone and redone on which objects.
Added various OdinMenuTree colors to SirenixGuiStyles.
Added EditorPref<T> with subtypes EditorPrefBool, EditorPrefString, EditorPrefFloat, EditorPrefInt and EditorPrefEnum<T> as a convenient utility wrapper for values stored in editor prefs.
Added ProjectSetting<T> with subtypes ProjectSettingBool, ProjectSettingString, ProjectSettingFloat, ProjectSettingInt and ProjectSettingEnum<T> as a convenient utility for a value which can either be stored serialized in a project asset, or overwritten on a local machine basis by being stored in editor prefs.
As such, this enables having settings values which can be adjusted in a project but also controlled on a per-machine basis with local user overrides for improved collaboration possibilities. Also added
ProjectSettingKeyAttribute, and ProjectSettingsGlobalConfig<T> as a new GlobalConfig type which supports storing ProjectSetting values via ProjectSettingKey attributes set on the settings members.
Added .Slice() extension method to strings which is the same as .Slice(0).
Added TrimStart(), TrimEnd() and Trim() to StringSlice.
GuiHelper.GetAssetThumbnail now gives more accurate thumbnail icons.
Added bounds check to StringSlice's indexer.
CustomValueDrawer now also works for drawing methods and expressions that return void; in this case, no value will be set automatically.
Fixed a bug where OdinEditorWindow's without a scroll bar would not paint the background correctly.
Fixed bug where EnumSelector.DrawEnumField didn't draw the label provided.
Fixed case where setting new targets on a property tree would prevent prefab modifications from working properly.
Fixed issue where the ToggleGroup attribute would not respect setting CollapseOthersOnExpand to false when it has multiple members.
Fixed several issues where PropertyTrees was not properly disposed.
InspectorTypeDrawingConfigDrawer now uses SafeGetTypes() when retrieving types from assemblies, to protect itself from corrupt loaded assemblies.
PropertyTree's now ApplyChanges when disposed.
Range, MinMaxSlider, MaxValue and MinValue attribute drawers no longer immediately clamp the value to valid values when drawing; values are now only clamped to valid ranges when user input changes the values so that data does not mutate merely by inspecting it.
Reverting prefab modifications on a value now triggers OnValueChanged for that value.
Fixed multiple cases where TypeSearchIndex would incorrectly match many different types in ways that would later be filtered away. Type matching is now more precise to begin with, without need for further filtering.
Type matching for all drawers, validators, resolvers and processors has been changed to allow for polymorphic matching on non-generic targets. IE, public class UnityObjectDrawer : OdinValueDrawer<UnityEngine.Object> will now in fact match on and draw all UnityEngine.Object instances without needing to be generic and using generic constraints to match on those types instead.
TypeSearchIndex's match search API now requires you to pass in TargetMatchCategory values for each match target, both when indexing types and when matching them, in order to more precisely distinguish between which things to match as values and as attributes.
InspectorProperty.NiceName for ordered collection elements now takes the form of "CollectionNiceName [index]" instead of just "index".
Marked various obsolete members as being hidden from IDE intellisense
All debug symbol files for Odin's assemblies are now marked portable for better cross platform and cross Unity version compatibility.
Removed all deprecated features from Odin Validators.
Removed obsolete OpenGlobalConfigWindow.
SirenixGUIStyles.RichTextLabel now word wraps.
The overload of GUIHelper.RequestRepaint that takes an argument of how many frames it should repaint has been deprecated.